Setelah bersetuju dan memilih bakal lelaki yang akan “menyedekahkan” spermanya, maka satu hari.. berkatalah si suami “Ok sayang.. abang pergi dulu… sebentar lagi lelaki tu akan datang…” (lelaki yang nak dermakan sperma dia).
Sambil menunggu kedatangan penderma tersebut, tiba-tiba muncul seorang jurugambar yang kerjanya ambik gambar-gambar bayi. “Selamat pagi puan.. saya datang utk….” belum sempat habis bercakap, si isteri tadi memotong kata-katanya dan berkata “oh ya.. saya memang menunggu awak..”"errr ye ke?” kehairanan photographer tu..”kalau macam tu..bagus la.. saya dah buat banyak bayi yang istimewa..(maksudnya gambar bayi yang baik la.. ) “Itu la yang suami dan saya harapkan..”kata si isteri..” silakan masuk..dan duduk la..
“”Hmmm macamana kita nak start? ” tanya si isteri setelah beberapa ketika. ..”Serahkan pada saya puan… saya selalunya buat di bathtub… sekali kat atas sofa.. dan beberapa kali di katil.. kekadang kat atas lantai diruang tamu saja. itu pun seronok juga..anda mesti suka…” kata lelaki tadi menerangkan tempat2 yang sesuai utk diambil gambar.. “Bathtub??? atas lantai…???
Patutlah ianya tak pernah berkesan pada saya dan suami..kami selalu lakukan di bilik tidur saja.. “jelas isteri….”Puan, tak da orang yang boleh gerenti ianya baik setiap kali.. tapi kalau kita pelbagaikan posisi dan saya shoot dari beberapa angle.. saya jamin…anda akan suka dengan resultnya… Si isteri tercengang.. .
“Puan..dlm keja saya nie..seseorang mesti mengambil masa sikit..saya suka berada di luar dan di dalam buat beberapa ketika.. tapi tentu puan tak suka..”Macam saya tak tau???” kata si isteri..Photographe r tadi mengeluarkan gambar2 bayi yang sungguh comel dari briefcasenya. . “yang ini saya buat masa di atas bus kat London ..”Hah!…atas bas????” terkejut si isteri…”Yang kembar ini plak memang tak disangka2.. bila anda tau bahawa memang susah nak bekerjasama ngan emaknya.. ” kata photograper tadi..
“Emaknyer susah nak bekerjasama? ???” tanya si isteri.. “Ya… memang susah.. sehingga saya terpaksa bawa dia ke Hyde Park utk buat keja dengan baik.. orang ramai mengerumuni kami ketika itu..utk melihat dengan jelas apa yang kami lakukan…”
“Di depan public???”terkejut si isteri. “Ya..dah tu..lebih kurang 3 jam baru selesai.. emaknya.. menjerit,terpekik. . sehingga saya tak boleh nak concentrate. .bila tupai2 dah datang menghampiri alat saya.. saya terpaksa berhenti melakukannya. . ” cerita si Photograper. . “awak maksudkan tupai-tupai tu really usik awak punya….alat? ??” tanya si isteri..
“Ya puan… tak per la.. Puan dah bersedia ker.. Saya akan siapkan tripod…. lepas tu kita akan mulakan..”Tripod????”nak buat aper..??? “tanya si isteri..”OH..itu utk laraskan alat saya nanti… ianya terlalu besar utk saya pegang lama-lama.. “”er puan.???Puan? ?? la..dier pengsan!!
A couple has tried to get a child. After getting advice from a doctor, they finally agree to use the "overpopulation" method or other words, the wife will use another man's seed for pregnancy.
After agreeing and choosing a man who will "give up" his sperm, then one day .. the husband said "Ok dear .. brother go first ... soon the man will come ..." (the man who wants to donate her sperm).
While waiting for the donor, suddenly appeared a photographer working with the baby pictures. "Good morning .. I came to ..." had not been able to speak, the wife cut off his words and said "oh yes .. I did wait for you .." "errr ye to?" Surprised the photographer .. " if it's just like that .. I have made many special baby .. (meaning good baby picture ..) "That's a husband and I hope .." said the wife .. "please go in .. and sit la ..
"" Hmmm how we want to start? "Asked the wife after a while. .. "Leave me alone ... I always do in the bathtub ... once on the sofa .. and several times in the bed .. sometimes on the floor in the room alone. It's fun must like it ... "said the man explaining the exact places to take pictures .." Bathtub ??? on the floor ... ???
It should never be effective on me and my husband. We always do in the bedroom. "" Well, wife .... "Mrs., no one can guarantee that it's good every time. But if we do a lot of fun and shoot from some angle .. I guarantee ... you will like the result ... The wife is stunned ..
"Mrs. .. in my work ... someone must take some time .. I like to be outdoors and inside for some time .. but you do not like .." Like I do not know ??? "said the wife. The photographer released pictures of cute baby from his briefcase. . "This is what I'm doing on London's bus .." Hah! ... on the bus ???? "surprised the wife ..." The twins are plausibly unexpected .. when you know that it's hard to work with her mother .. "said the photographer earlier ..
"How difficult is it to work together? "Asked the wife .." Yes ... it's hard .. so I had to take her to Hyde Park to make it well .. people crowded around us when it was ... seeing clearly what we did ... "
"In front of the public ???" the wife was surprised. "Yes .. yes .. more than 3 hours just finished .. her mother .. scream, sigh. . so I can not concentrate. . when squirrels have come to my tool .. I have to stop doing so. . "Said the Photographer. . "You mean squirrels that really do you have .... tool? ?? "asked the wife ..
"Yes, madam ... it does not matter .. I'm ready for you .. I'm going to set up a tripod .... then we will start .. "Tripod ????" what to do .. ??? "Ask the wife .." OH .. that's to adjust my tool later ... it's too big for me to hold it for a long time .. "" er madam. ??? Madam? ?? laa .. she fainted !!
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