Satu hari satu gerombolan pelacur ditangkap termasuklah gadis itu. Polis meminta pelacur-pelacur itu membuat satu garisan lurus. Semua beratur. Tiba-tiba muncul nenek tua kepada gadis itu jalan bongkok-bongkok dan setelah melihat cucunya berbaris dia bertanya, “Kenapa kamu berbaris di sini?” Cucu pula untuk menghalang neneknya tahu cerita sebenar telah berbohong dengan mengatakan ada dermawan akan menderma buah orange dan sebab itulah beliau berbaris.
Nenek beredar pergi. Di pertengahan jalan dia teringatkan cucu-cucunya yang lain yang mungkin mengharapkan beliau membawa pulang buah-buahan. Lalu dia pun turut berbaris tanpa diketahui oleh cucunya.
Dia berbaris di belakang. Seorang anggota polis mengambil kenyataan-kenyataan dari gadis yang sedang berbaris itu. Apabila dia sampai untuk giliran mendapatkan kenyataan orang terakhir, dia terkejut kerana tercegat seorang nenek yang jalan pun bongkok-bongkok macam tiada kudrat.
Dia tercengang lalu tertanya, “Kamu tua, bagaimana kamu lakukannya?” Si nenek (menyangka soalan itu ditanya tentang bagaimana dia boleh makan orange itu) menjawab, “Oh senang je. Aku hanya cabut gigi palsu dan mula sedut sampai airnya kering.”
A girl becomes a prostitute but does not want her grandmother to know.
One day a gang of prostitutes was arrested including the girl. The police asked the prostitutes to make a straight line. All queues. Suddenly an old grandmother appeared to the girl hunched over and after seeing her grandson lined up she asked, "Why are you lining up here?" The grandchildren were also to prevent her grandmother from knowing the true story had been lying by saying that a philanthropist would donate orange fruit and that's why he lined up.
Grandma's gone away. In the middle of the road he was reminded of his other grandchildren who might expect him to bring home fruits. Then he lined up without being known by his grandson.
He lined up behind. A policeman took statements from the lined girl. When he came to the queue to get the last person's statement, he was surprised to find a way out of a grandmother who was walking around like a squat.
He was surprised and asked, "You are old, how do you do it?" The grandmother (thinks the question was asked about how she could eat the orange) replied, "Oh, happy. I just pull up my dentures and start to suck until the water is dry. "
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